Daytona Beach, Florida
Here's a BIKE WEEK party you won't want to miss.

With hundreds of thousands of bikers in one town there has got to be parties everywhere. You're damn right there is and here's one you shouldn't miss. So, if you are on Main Street and you want to find one of the BIKE WEEK parties, hop on your HOG and take a spin, 6 miles west to a place called Sopotnick's "CABBAGE PATCH".

Thoughout the year, CABBAGE PATCH, located in the middle of rural nowhere, is a cozy tavern with a cow pasture out back. When BIKE WEEK comes around, this place is like a minature Woodstock with thousands of leather laden bikers. And don't forget the kids and pets, yes, they are all wearing leathers. You'll find plenty of food, beer, Harleys and bikers of all ages here. They are all gathered here to have a biker bash like you've never seen. During BIKE WEEK bikers temporarily live here in school buses, tents and sleeping bags. Partying deeeeep into the night, bikers sit around campfires exchanging stories of their lives.

The chaperones of this massive party are the Volusia County Sheriffs Department, they are around to keep everybody safe and having a good time. It's the law.

you'll have some of the best down-to-earth biker fun

Harley rodeo (show your bike skills)
Wrestling (ladies in coleslaw)
Smallest breast contest (we love'em just the same)
Bands (usually southern rock)
Concession stands selling biker goodies (food, leather, souvenirs)
Japanese bikes destruction (burn em)
Beer (of course)

* You will always be surprised as to what NEW EVENT you'll see here *
* in the CABBAGE PATCH *

Japanese Bike Destruction
In the middle of the cow pasture are two huge 30 ton - 125 foot cranes towering to the sky. At the top of one crane flies an American Flag the other a Confederate Flag. Also hanging from the top, for the entire week of BIKE WEEK, are some Japanese motorcycles awainting their fateful doom. At the end of BIKE WEEK the Japanese motorcycles are released....SMASH, they hit the ground...up in the air they go again....SMASH, they hit the ground again....and again....and again....Then, the Jap bikes get dowsed with gasoline and then set on fire. A bondfire of Jap bikes, as Harley bikers dance around, merrily drinking Budwieser. What a sight. I love the smell of burning Jap bikes in the morning. Harleys rule...

My favorite is when a Jap bike is cranked and running with throttle accelerated and then the oil filter is broken off at which point the huge crane hoists the bike high into the sky, oil draining out of it all the way up. The bike is left at the top, running at high throttle....then the bike starts to smoke....then sputter....and finally the engine seizes, burnt up, because of no oil. hehehe.....:-)

Just having good clean family fun in the CABBAGE PATCH.

See ya next BIKE WEEK.


Henry Jordan / E-mail, Mail, Phone & Fax
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Daytona Beach, Florida............................. Updated: September 23, 1995