Expose your website to a large amount of biker traffic.
On average, BikeWeekReport.com (BWR) website gets 500,000 "hits" per month. With a high of 5.14 million hits during the month of March, Bike Week 2000 & 2001 and a high of 10.5 million hits during the month of March, Bike Week 2002.
Add your text link on BWR (FREE, no charge). There is a REQUIREMENT... you MUST add BikeWeekReport.com Text Link or Banner Link to your webpage. Take advantage of this FREE exposure to draw traffic to your webpage*.
You should put your link on BWR's LINKS webpage because:
This website gets 500,000 biker/Harley related hits MONTHLY and during the month of March 1998 this website received just under 1.2 million hits... During Daytona Bike Week 1999 this website received 3.5 million!!! Bike Week 2001 the high was 5.14 million hits during the month of March. Bike Week 2002 there was a high of 10.5 million hits during the month of March. I'm sure adding your link onto this website will benefit you. Exposure is the name of the game. Hey, it's free advertising.
As a long time user of the Internet (since Feb. 1995), the following "Internet education" is offered to you totally free of charge and is totally for your benefit. I'm not trying to sell you anything. I have debated the following concept with commercial advertisers for years and they all, in time, realize that what I have to say is very valuable. They just didn't understand how the Internet works and how it is different to traditional commercial advertising/promotion. The Internet is a "different animal" in that respect.
You may have many different reasons for not wanting to link. But I'm willing to guess that you are either a newbie to the Internet and are unaware of the networking nature of how the Internet works for commercial global advertising or, you may be from the old school of advertising, that dictates "never send your customer to your competitor." Well, you are in a new school now... here's what the Internet school of advertising is all about. The Internet is a global network, and being such, the power of working WITH the Internet IS THAT EVERYONE NETWORKS. On the Internet, every company/person is a tiny fish in a gigantically massive ocean... Your webpage(s) will be of no value, UNTIL, someone finds your webpage(s)... and that is what I'm talking about here, allowing your target customers to find your webpages.
I'm going to tell you the Internet's secret of getting traffic to your Harley/biker related webpage. Search Engines are a part of it. But, the best way to attract specific Harley/biker related traffic to your webpage is through links from other content related websites. You see, even after someone uses a Search Engine to get started... they will always look at the links section of the webpage that they found to see where to go next. The whole point is, getting people to your webpage.... when you get the people to your webpage (that's when you get to be the big fish in a small pond)... THEN, it's up to your webpage(s) to sell them something. That's what advertising is all about. And, in this case I'm talking about free global promotion of your webpage. Be findable, for your target customers and make customers out of casual browsers.
"Henry's Daytona BIKE WEEK REPORT" has a very developed Harley/biker links webpage (actually 2 webpages full, soon to be 3). It's called "Henry's Harley Links" and we offer a "free" link to anyone with a Harley/biker related webpage (commercial or private). And, as I said before we have only one REQUIREMENT, you must link back to us (reciprocate). We currently have apx. 1000 people's Harley/biker webpages linking to our site. What that means, is that there is 1000 times more opportunity for people finding our, then consequently, YOUR WEBPAGE from these other people's pages. And this is why this website generates so many hits per month (documented). So you see, having reciprocal links will benefit both of us by giving over 120 million world-wide Internet surfers more of a potential to find both of our Harley/biker related webpages.
<LINK> http://bikeweekreport.com <TEXT (optional)> Daytona Bike Week & Biketoberfest Info - Harleys, bikers & babes, webcam, event dates & schedule, lodging info, message board, vendor info, lots of LINKS and much more.
post BWR banner or text link on your webpage: After I see BWR link posted on your webpage, I will then post your link and e-mail notify you where you can see it. |
Please note that the link to your site will be active for 10 business days, if thereafter we do not detect a link to our site on your webpage, it will be assumed that you are not interested in a reciprocal link and to be fair to our other link partners, we shall remove your link.
We both benefit from link exchange as it sends traffic through links and also improves ranking in search engines.
Q: Are we into SPAMMING?
A: No way! We are not spammers and are against spamming of any kind. We send e-mail to you with the sole intention of link exchange for mutual benefit.
How about my PRIVACY?
We are not list sellers. We do not sell or rent out our e-mail list to anyone. Our sole purpose is link exchange for mutual benefit, nothing else.
Q: How many emails will you send to me?
A: We will send you three mails. One is link activation email, second is reminder email (within 3-5 days) and finally link de-activation email (within 7-10 days). If you choose to "unsubscribe" first time, you will not receive second and third mail. Also in the future you will recieve periodic (no more than once a month) e-mails about BikeWeek related updates, news or upcoming events. However, the first of March every year, you may recieve an e-mail update every day (for about a 10 day period) a few days before and during Daytona Beach BikeWeek event. And e-mails also just before and during Daytona Beach Biketoberfest event 5 day period once per year) about mid October. We try not to be a pest with e-mail but just to keep you informed of our Bike Week & Biketoberfest activities and goings ons.
Q: Are we blacklisted by Spamcop, Habeas or any other email trust services?
A:No, we are not spamming or invading privacy of anyone. We send link exchange e-mail and updates as you request. You can subscribe or unsubscribe from our e-mail database at anytime.